Saturday, June 8, 2013

May 16, 2013

Dear Tehja and Taylor,


We sent another radio-mail from CanKata on this Sweet 16 Day because we didn’t have internet access. It said:


“Hi L2D2. Please give big hugs and kisses to TnT for us, and tell them we were thinking about them LOTS on Sweet 16 day. And yes, the days are getting sweeter and sweeter as they are getting us closer and closer to our visit to Beaumont and our kids.


Hope all is well with you guys. No doubt you missed having PEI lobster at the season opening. We did.”


At the time we were sailing up the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, after cancelling our plans to sail to South Africa. We were heading back to Malaysia.


There were a few problems on this day: Grandma had a broken foot so wasn’t being much of a help on CanKata, but Grandpa did a fabulous job of taking care of the boat and taking care of Grandma. 


The other problem was the piece of equipment that helps us easily steer the boat. It wasn’t working and so it was very hard to steer. But after spending a lot of time in the hot and cramped engine room, Grandpa got it working as good as new. Your Grandpa is a pretty remarkable man.


And not only that, he has some pretty remarkable grandchildren.


All our love,

Grandma and Grandpa Sailor xx