Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 16, 2013

Dear Tehja and Taylor,
Hello from the Royal Langkawi Yacht Club in Malaysia.


Once again, Steve and Julie of “Aqua Dreams” were with us on this Sweet 16 day. They are no longer living on their boat (which is here in Langkawi), but are back to work in Australia. They made a quick trip to Langkawi to check on their boat and to visit us. It was “sweet” seeing them again.

(That's not Aqua Dreams behind J&S)

And they brought us sweets … some yummy treats from a local bakery, including our favorite: brownies.


Grandma still can’t stand on her injured foot, but it seems to be getting stronger every day. Grandpa is taking good care of the boat and Grandma.

Grandma waiting for Grandpa to dress her stitches.

Finally - relaxation time.
Our next 16th will be in Canada … how sweet is that?


All our love,

Grandma and Grandpa Sailor xx


Saturday, June 8, 2013

May 16, 2013

Dear Tehja and Taylor,


We sent another radio-mail from CanKata on this Sweet 16 Day because we didn’t have internet access. It said:


“Hi L2D2. Please give big hugs and kisses to TnT for us, and tell them we were thinking about them LOTS on Sweet 16 day. And yes, the days are getting sweeter and sweeter as they are getting us closer and closer to our visit to Beaumont and our kids.


Hope all is well with you guys. No doubt you missed having PEI lobster at the season opening. We did.”


At the time we were sailing up the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, after cancelling our plans to sail to South Africa. We were heading back to Malaysia.


There were a few problems on this day: Grandma had a broken foot so wasn’t being much of a help on CanKata, but Grandpa did a fabulous job of taking care of the boat and taking care of Grandma. 


The other problem was the piece of equipment that helps us easily steer the boat. It wasn’t working and so it was very hard to steer. But after spending a lot of time in the hot and cramped engine room, Grandpa got it working as good as new. Your Grandpa is a pretty remarkable man.


And not only that, he has some pretty remarkable grandchildren.


All our love,

Grandma and Grandpa Sailor xx




Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 16, 2013

Dear Tehja and Taylor,


We sent you a radio-mail on this Sweet 16 Day because we didn’t have internet access. Do you remember what it said?


“We are still at the same spot near Snake Island, and have been here over a week now. We snorkelled to celebrate the 16th, and Grandpa says that I should report this: We saw 16 colors of coral, 16 kinds of fish, a group of 16 fish, 16 kinds of shells, and Grandma got 16 jellyfish stings. But since none of it is true, it won't be in the blog. But it was a fabulous snorkel, with the water so clear that we could see about 50 feet deep. Amazing. We are having a great time and hope that you guys are living life large. And of course we are counting the days to when we will see you!”


We finished the day by watching a movie on the foredeck of CanKata, eating popcorn. Just after the movie ended, the rain started and chased us inside. After we were sound asleep, the winds starting howling and blowing strongly, and woke us up. We were happy to note that our anchor stayed firmly grounded and, with our “anchor drag alarm” set, we went back to sleep.
Here are some photos:


Some shells from the area.

This little island used to have palm trees, but they have all washed into the sea.

This was a popular wave for the surfers.

If you look closely, you can see surfers waiting for a good wave.

When there were rain clouds like this, we would cancel movie night on the foredeck.


Hello from Grandma!

Hello from Grandpa!
All our love,
Grandma and Grandpa Sailor xxxx




March 16, 2013 - CanKata is sixteen!

Dear Tehja and Taylor,


Grandma and Grandpa crossing the equator

Hello from Indonesia and from the southern hemisphere!  We are now on the west side of Sumatra and working our way south. We’ll be here until the end of April, and then we’ll head across the Indian Ocean to an island called Rodrigues, where we’ll stop for a short while before heading on to Mauritius, where we’ll leave CanKata when we fly to Canada.
This place is full of lovely children!







This was an eventful Sweet 16 Day.


First of all, CanKata turned sixteen. She was launched sometime in March of 1997, so we picked the 16th as her birthday. You can probably guess why.




Secondly, we played a game of chess (16 players on each side) and we tied. We both just kept chasing each other around the board until we got bored and said “stalemate” which is the chess term for “I’m bored and I quit”.


Thirdly, Grandpa spent HOURS fixing the fridge. And the good news is, he fixed it! It seems to be working fine right now, which is a good thing because we have lots of frozen food that would have been in a lot of trouble if the freezer wasn’t working.


The fridge motor is in this tiny engine room!
Grandpa resting after all his hard work.

Also on this day, we sailed from the beautiful bay of Babi to a pretty island called Banyak. In both places, the water was crystal clear, the trees were rich green, the sand was almost white, and in both places we were ALL ALONE. Grandpa said, “All I can hear is nature” (e.g., birds, surf, crickets, the wind in the trees).




We know it is nearly spring in Canada. Do you have your bikes out yet? Have you played a game of baseball? Is all the snow gone?


And we are counting the days until summer … when we will see you!


Loads of love,

Grandma and Grandpa Sailor



Wednesday, April 24, 2013

February 16, 2013

Dear Tehja and Taylor,


Well, this Sweet 16 day was pretty significant. CanKata is no longer flying her Thailand flag, and we have left that country for about five years. We hope to sail back to Thailand in 2018.


Grandma walking down
 the street of Nai Yang
for the last time in a long while
Grandpa taking a long last look …
probably everything will be changed in
Nai Yang when we get back.

We have been friends with
this fellow for years, and we left
our trusty old bikes behind for his grandchildren.


Good-bye Nai Yang anchorage. Thanks for giving us safe,
secure anchorage for so many years. (That cat’s not CanKata).

Grandpa taking down the Thai flag

The weather isn't always perfect
in the tropics (storm at Tarutao).

But even on stormy days,
we can get a beautiful sunset.

Sweet 16 day –
raising anchor at Tarutao, to head to Kuah.

Off on the hazy horizon … is that a ship on the left? No! It’s an island!

On February 16, we set anchor in the harbour of the town of Kuah in the province of Langkawi in the country of Malaysia. (We have pictures of Kuah in our November 2012 blog entry). From here, in a few days, we will take a 3-hour ferry to another Malaysian island – Penang - to get our visas for Indonesia, where we will cruise for the months of March and April before heading across to Mauritius. 


Mauritius is the place that we’ll leave CanKata when we fly back to Alberta for the summer. We’re counting the days!


But back to February 16:  We were “underway” for eight hours, and while we were underway I did laundry in my new machine, Grandpa was at the helm, we ate sunflower seeds and spit the shells overboard, and we had our last taste of pork for a while. We will now be in countries where eating pork is not allowed for religious reasons, so we enjoyed that last taste.


After we anchored in Kuah, we had visitors aboard CanKata – Ralph and Jenn of El Misti. You might remember us mentioning them before – they are the ones who rode their bicycles for thousands of miles over three-and-a-half months. They are now living back in Australia but were in Kuah to check on their boat. It is always nice to see old friends.


And it is always nice to see family … which we will be doing lots of this summer! Looking forward to it.


All our love, Grandma and Grandpa Sailor xx

(now sailing in Indonesia, and not eating pork)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16, 2013 from Aunt Marleen

Hi Tehja and Taylor.

I just finished my chores on CanKata and can take a moment to let you know we are having a great time with Grandma and Grandpa.

January 16 was my birthday (61 years). What a wonderful way to spend the day at the helm learning how to stay on course, being careful not to hit any floating objects or passing boats.

We cruised for 5½ hours averaging 5½ knots then we moored at Nai Harn Beach. On the way we saw a huge battleship called The Amelia Erhart, also many fishing boats called “long tails”.

Today we will take the dinghy to shore for lunch and a refreshing swim. We are also learning new games such as Box Crib and Red-Green Farkle (Grandma and I rule).

Aunt Marleen and Uncle Larry
(and loads of love from your Grandma and Grandpa too!) 

Marleen and a long tail

A long tail at Nai Yang Beach

A battleship.

A birthday sunset.

Marleen at Nai Harn Beach.

Dewa cheese cake the night before.

A birthday wish fulfilled.