Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16, 2013 from Aunt Marleen

Hi Tehja and Taylor.

I just finished my chores on CanKata and can take a moment to let you know we are having a great time with Grandma and Grandpa.

January 16 was my birthday (61 years). What a wonderful way to spend the day at the helm learning how to stay on course, being careful not to hit any floating objects or passing boats.

We cruised for 5½ hours averaging 5½ knots then we moored at Nai Harn Beach. On the way we saw a huge battleship called The Amelia Erhart, also many fishing boats called “long tails”.

Today we will take the dinghy to shore for lunch and a refreshing swim. We are also learning new games such as Box Crib and Red-Green Farkle (Grandma and I rule).

Aunt Marleen and Uncle Larry
(and loads of love from your Grandma and Grandpa too!) 

Marleen and a long tail

A long tail at Nai Yang Beach

A battleship.

A birthday sunset.

Marleen at Nai Harn Beach.

Dewa cheese cake the night before.

A birthday wish fulfilled.